The Top 6 Reasons to Advertise or be Affiliated With the Process Technology and Operator Academy (PTOA):
- PTOA blogs are written by a process technology expert and very successful former process technology instructor,
Your Mentor.
Your Mentor has over two decades of work experience and thoroughly understands the direct correlation of the PTOA Focus Study Area topics to the real world of industrial processing.
Your Mentor is also a former Process Technology program instructor with years of successful experience instructing, advising and developing curricula.
Your Mentor has successfully converted these competencies into an original and integrated instructional approach that keeps Readers and Students engaged to learn the fundamentals of process technology.
- Your Mentor knows the PTOA audience.
PTOA Readers and Students are widely diverse with respect to age, gender, ethnicity and culture. They vary in learning intelligences. A complete description of the varied PTOA demographic can be found on the PTOA Home Page "Start Here for Success” link.
Albeit diverse, the PTOA target audience is nevertheless niche; each individual PTOA Reader or Student is collectively engaged by the interesting, original content that enhances learning process technology fundamentals.
Another important trait of PTOA Readers and Students can be inferred; these are self motivated, goal oriented individuals that desire to gain knowledge and improve their understanding of applied technology.
- The PTOA is designed with on page SEO in mind.
The PTOA name and format were carefully researched and planned to incorporate search engine optimization key words.
The PTOA Focus Area Study segments are written primarily to engage-and-instruct, yet also incorporate established formats known to increase search engine optimization.
The outcome of careful site design and captivating content is an enviable bounce rate of less than one half of one percent!
- The PTOA’s book format continually renews exposure to every page.
The PTOA uses a book format structure.
PTOA Readers and Students are well aware that full comprehension of the integrated PTOA Focus Study Areas requires studying each separate PTOA Segment in the intended sequence.
The outcome of using the book format guarantees the readership of each page will be constantly renewed.
New PTOA Readers and Students quickly become engaged with learning about Process Technology and join returning PTOA Readers and Students who are aware that their high expectations of integrated, relevant content will be met.
- Your company's good name and reputation will reach the intended audience with no fear of being associated with porn or hate sentiments.
The PTOA intentionally chose Bluehost as a web site host specifically because Bluehost does not host porn web sites.
Nor will the PTOA ever allow porn or hate sentiments to appear on the website.
- Your advertisement supports educating anyone who desires to learn.
Won't it make you feel good inside to know that your advertising dollar is also providing free and equal access to quality higher-education?
The below PTOA Traffic data were updated October 1, 2017.
The next update for this page will occur on April 1, 2018.
The comparison of PTOA Traffic data from GOOGLE ANALYTICS for the most recent 30 days (September 2017) compared to most recent 90 days (3rd quarter of 2017) can be found below.
The following conclusions can be deduced from the data:
- The current PTOA Bounce Rate of 0.28% is not a typo...the decimal is in the correct place! The September 2017 PTOA Bounce Rate is remarkable and yet still an improvement over the unbelievably impressive 0.60% Bounce Rate averaged over Q-3 2016! Compare these PTOA results to the Average Bounce rate region of 41%-51% and Excellent Bounce Rate region of 26%-40% defined by for discrete, informational websites.
- The September 2017 Page/Session ratio of 3.51 has increased over the 90 day Q-3 2017 average of 2.80.
- The uniquely low PTOA Bounce Rate combined with the 3.51 Page/Session ratio are evidence that the PTOA "Engage-and-Instruct Strategy" successfully sustains PTOA readership while simultaneously attracting new PTOA Readers and Students.
- The PTOA Traffic data indicate that the most popular access route to the PTOA continues to be via "Organic Searches." During September 2017, 69.2% of PTOA Traffic occurred via Organic searches, slightly increased over the Q-3 2017 average of 65.2%.
- The PTOA Traffic data indicate "Direct Searches" remains the next most popular access route. During September 2017, 29.4% of PTOA access was accomplished via a "Direct Search," slightly lower than the Q-3 2017 average of 32.6%.
- The above two statements reveal that 97%-98% of PTOA contact is from individuals who are intentionally exploring the internet to find subject matter related to learning Process Technology.
- The PTOA Traffic data indicated access via "Referrals" decreased in September 2017 to 0.4% from the Q-3 average of 1.2%.
- Social media access to the PTOA was a steady 1% during September 2017 and Q-3 2017. PTOA has 25 RSS subscribers.
- PTOA outreach efforts continue to successfully target self-motivated PTOA Readers and Students; the percentage of New Visits is currently 93.0% and held steady at 93.0% throughout Q-3 2017.
Time Frame: Past 30 Days (September 2017) compared to Q-3 2017
Sessions: 716 (36.0%) of the total 1985 recorded over Q-3 2017
Users: 670 (36.2%) of total 1850 recorded over Q-3 2017
Traffic Channel Details September 2017 compared to Q-3 2017
Organic: 465 (69.2%) trends ↑ from Q-3 total of 1207 (65.2%)
Direct: 211 (29.4%) trends ↓ from Q-3 total of 648 (32.6%)
Referral: 3 (0.4%) trends ↓ from Q-3 total of 24 (1.2%)
Social: 7 (1%) holding steady for Q-3 2017 total of 17 (1%)
Location: Sept 2017/Q-3 2017 PTOA Readers resided in 88/100 countries
Page Views: 2254 (40.1%) of total Q-3 2017 total of 5550
Page/Session: 3.51 trends ↑ compared to Q-3 2017 avg of 2.80
% New Visits: 93.0% trends steady with Q-3 2017 avg of 93.0%
Bounce Rate: 0.28% impressive as is Q-3 2017 avg of 0.60%
In summary, the above data indicate that you should become a PTOA Advertiser/Sponsor!
PTOA Advertisers/Sponsors will receive strategic plans targeted to improve lagging indicators.
PTOA Advertising Rates Per Month*
Home Page
The PTOA offers limited ad space to insure that every ad will be noticed.
The Home Page can strategically be rearranged to accommodate a leaderboard and a maximum of four smaller ads. Home Page ads may not be animated.
728 X 90 Leaderboard at Top $400 Introductory Rate
250 X 250 Right Side Above Fold $300 Introductory Rate
125 X 125 Right Side Above Fold $200 Introductory Rate
125 X 125 Right Side Below Fold $150 Introductory Rate
PTOA Segment Embedded
Advertisement embedded into PTOA segments may be animated.
125 X 125 Embedded in Content $250 Introductory Rate
*10% monthly discount for multiple month advertising
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Please contact Your Mentor via this link to learn more.
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